Click HERE to go to a shared Google Drive of previous Lecture Demo "Clicker" Questions.

When viewing the shared drive above, the demos are sorted by our internal numbering scheme. As mentioned on the catalog title page, some of our demos do not have DCS (Demo Classification Scheme) numbers, so we made up an internal designation so that the catalog would appear in the desired order.

For example, our "Dubious Clocks" demo is not listed in the DCS, but by giving it an internal designation of 1A10.40uw1 it appears in the catalog in between "Various Clocks (1A10.40)" and "One Liter Cube (1A10.50)."
If you wanted to view or share questions about this demo, browse the google drive above to "1 - Mechanics" and then "1A10.40uw1 - Dubious Clocks."

Adding Questions:

University of Washington Faculty and Staff can add files to any subfolder, but can not edit, delete, or modify the Google Drive structure. If you accidentally copy your questions to the wrong location, please recopy them to the correct location and email Steven Troy, Kazumi Tolich, or Nikolai Tolich to delete the files in the wrong location.

Naming Scheme:

Please give your question and answer slides a descriptive name with the following:

<Course Number> - <Year> - <Term> - <Instructor Name> - <Demo Name> - <Question #> [version #] [Answer].pdf [or .ppt, .pptx, etc.]

For example, a set of revised question and answer slides for the Guinea and Feather from a Spring, 2018 Phys 121 course would look like this:

Phys 121 - 2018 - Spring - Steven Troy - Guinea and Feather - Question 1 ver 2.pptx
Phys 121 - 2018 - Spring - Steven Troy - Guinea and Feather - Question 1 ver 2 Answer.pptx

By giving your question and answer slides this naming scheme, they will be sorted first by the course (Phys 114, 121, etc.) and then by the year. This will make it easier for your colleagues to find the most recent and most relevant questions for each demo.